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Host a Student

Hosting an International Student is a life changing experience. LPI Learning students come from all over the world and are highly motivated. With the ultimate goal of enrolling in a US university in the future, they are serious students dedicated to their studies and learning the American culture and language.

Who Can Host?
Anyone who is open to welcoming an International Student can host! We accept host families nation-wide and from all walks of life.

Our Host Parents
• Welcome the student wholeheartedly into their home
• Provide a student with a room, quiet place to study, wireless internet access and 3 meals a day
• Offer transportation to and from school and all school-related activities
• Speak English as the primary language in the home
• Expose students to the cultural and social environment of their home and community
• Complete a host family interview in their home, consent to a background check and must be 25 years old or older

• Allow your family to experience a new culture and customs
• Receive a generous monthly stipend for hosting
• Bring international understanding to your home, school and community
• Local and national support for both families and students
• Change the life of an International Student by allowing them to experience American education and culture
• Become friends for life with a student from another country!

For more information please visit our website: www.LPiLearning.org
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Get Started Now!

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