Attend an American high school and achieve a competitive edge in university admissions!
LPI Learning provides international students with placement in carefully selected high schools across the United States on an F-1 Visa. Our programs offer a rewarding experience for students, superior academic quality, and local support in an affordable program. We strive to create a unique experience for students, host families, schools, and local representatives. Our goal is to develop lasting partnerships with our participants that result in lifelong friendships and future educational opportunities
LPI Learning provides homestays across America. To attend a school in the USA, the school must be certified with the US Department of Homeland Security SEVIS System. You can find SEVIS certified schools by searching a specific location (City, State) here.
At LPI Learning, we place and support students who attend Public, Private and Boarding schools across the United States. We are continuously expanding our school partnerships in order to offer a wide range of schools and prices across the USA. We provide 24/7 local and national support from representatives to support students with school monitoring and resolution of problems or issues if necessary.
You can download the complete Certified School List here.
Why Choose LPI Learning:
- Wide variety of private, public, and boarding school options including 6 of the top 10 U.S.
News ranked Best High Schools - 3 Program Options – Homestay Program, Study in the USA, and Admission Advising
- Professional Admissions Advising Support
- Easy 3 Step Application Process
- Host Family Homestay based upon Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and US Department of State guidelines
- Exclusive access to Renzulli Learning System, which helps students to achieve higher academic performance
- All LPI Learning Study Abroad students, their natural families, and US host families receive access to the Renzulli Learning Home Edition.
Program Opportunities
International Students
- LPI Study Abroad enables international students to immerselse themselves into American culture and attend an America school
- 3 Program Options – Homestay Program, Admissions Advising and Study in the USA
- Choose from a variety of schools and be eligible to receive a diploma from an American school
- A program that gives students college preparation and a competitive edge on college applications
- Gain valuable global skills, experience, and achieve higher levels of social maturity and independence
Host Families
- Introduce your family to a new culture, language, customs and traditions
- Gain a new perspective of the world by sharing experiences
- Change the life of an International Student by allowing them to experience American education and culture
- Provide a student with a safe and nurturing home
- A generous monthly stipend to compensate for the additional costs occur from hosting a student

LPI Learning operates in accordance with The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) standards.
View Full F-1 Inbound Certification