Host Family Application Process
Host family applications are accepted year round on a rolling admissions basis. However, due to school calendars and deadlines most placements occur prior to August of the coming school year. We recommend that potential host families submit applications as early as possible in the year for the next academic year in order to ensure space is available in their community schools. We do accept families for one semester placements which begin in either August or January.
Who can apply to become a host family?
We accept host families nation-wide and from all walks of life. To become a participating host family, the following criteria must be met:
- Complete the host family application
- Provide the student with 3 meals a day (not including hot lunch at school)
- Have a separate bedroom available for a student
- Provide transportation to and from school and after school activities
- Consent to a background check for all residents in the household over the age of 18
- Complete a host family interview in your home with the local LPI representative in your area