UCLA Think Tanks

Students in the Renzulli Creativity@UCLA program have decided on their project topics and are in the process of finding solutions to global concerns.

To develop ideas and solutions, students are taking part in think tanks, working together to pool knowledge, resources, and research.

UCLA Think Tanks 2

In addition to working within their groups, students are also identifying, contacting and consulting experts to serve as project mentors in order to learn more about the most up-to-date information on their topics.

Student topics include
-homelessness both in the US and internationally
-plastic pollution in oceans
-coal overuse in China
-racism and discrimination
-animal abuse and homelessness

Sarah shared

In our classes, we have begun to work on our projects concerning world problems.  Everyone is doing something different to present their idea.  I am making a video about how different people use water and ways that waste water. While researching my project I am learning more about ways to conserve water by doing little things.  I am also hearing a lot about other world issues from other students. I am able to learn things like how our lack of water affects our food source. I am growing my ability to talk in front of a class and be more comfortable. I am developing my presenting and editing skills.  I have developed the skill to stay organized and really write down all of my ideas.  I am also developing my writing skills when I write my emails to experts and blog.